Saturday, June 25, 2011

Favorite IPAD apps/technology and how it has changed the piano studio

This past year, one of my favorite questions that I get from my students are, what are your favorite iphone/ipad apps?

Besides the usual keyboard, (virtuostic pianist app), things have taken off so far and beyond that (great for ear training, theory assignments, btw) to have substantially transformed the way we think about music study on the most basic level.

One of my favorite apps is the pdf-notes app on the ipad which allows you to mark up your music and saves you from lugging scores around.

I also am a big fan of gmail video chat which enables me to check in and even teach my students occasionally online. The vtok ipad app enables video conferencing on my ipad 2 with gmail video chat.

Both tools have greatly altered the way I think of "traditional music study" as well as a way to enhance the limitations of the "traditional weekly lesson format."

Kudos to technology!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sightread in Keys

For the summer, one of the best things to do and to make sight-reading much more enjoyable, not so tedious and effective is to sightread in keys!

For example, for the intermediate and even advanced student, a great way to spend the afternoon is to grab a copy of Schubert Waltzes and sight read day by day...

All the ones in E Major.
All the ones in A Major

than, pick some minor keys...

e minor
d minor
b minor
f minor, etc.

Try it out! You will be surprised how effective this be in improving your reading very quickly. Good luck!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

End of Year Recap

People asked me what did you think of your student recital? And my gut reaction was my realization through the midst of it, "Holy moly, almost all of my students are playing a real complex program of serious pieces." Every recital is a journey. I am really so very proud of my studio.

Second installment...New York City Steinway Hall on June 17th, 6:30 pm.